Salton Sea, Jan 09
Page Updated 02/20/2009
Gnatcatcher |
Gnatcatcher |
Verdin |
Yellow Rumped Warbler |
White Crowned Sparrow |
Aberts Towhee |
Barn and Tree Swallows |
Barn and Tree Swallows |
Red Winged Blackbirds and European Starling |
Red Winged Blackbirds |
Red Winged Blackbirds |
Western Meadowlark |
Northern Mockingbird |
Northern Mockingbird |
Dove |
Collared Dove |
Great Tailed Grackle male |
Great Tailed Grackle female |
Ladder Backed Woodpecker |
Gambel's Quail |
Greater Roadrunner |
Greater Roadrunner rear view |
Loggerhead Shrike |
American Kestrel |
Northern Harrier |
Cattle Egrets |
Cattle Egrets |
Cattle Egrets |
Great Blue Heron |
Great Blue Heron and Great Egret |
Ruddy Ducks and Eared Grebe |
Ruddy Ducks and Eared Grebes |
Northern Shovelers and American Wigeon |
American Wigeons, Northern Shovelers, and Ring Billed Gulls |
Snow Geese |
Brown Pelicans |
American White Pelican |
Least Sanpipers |
Western Sandpipers |
Greater Yellowlegs |
Black Necked Stilt |
Coyote |
Coyote |
Tracks |
View from SE part of Salton Sea |