Salton Sea, CA Jan 07
Page Updated 03/06/2009
Ruby Crowned Kinglet |
Verdin |
American Pipit |
Fox Sparrow |
White Crowned and Fox Sparrow |
White Crowned Sparrow |
Abert's Towhee |
Mourning Dove |
Black Phoebe |
Says Phoebe |
Gambel's Quail |
Gambel's Quail |
White Faced Ibis |
White Faced Ibis |
Cattle Egret |
Snow and Ross' Geese with Cattle Egret |
Geese |
Snow and Ross' Geese |
Snow and Ross' Geese |
Snow Geese |
Northern Pintails |
American White Pelicans with Gulls |
Herring Gull |
Bonaparte's Gull |
Bonaparte's Gull |
Greater Yellowlegs with Least Sandpiper |
Greater Yellowlegs |
Greater Yellowlegs |
Black Necked Stilt |
Black Belied Plover |
Dowitchers |
Dowitchers |
Greater Yellowlegs, Dowitcher, and Killdeer |
Killdeer |
Least Sandpipers |
Least Sandpiper |
Least Sandpipers |